Consumer Bankruptcy
What Assets Can I Keep
Do's and Dont's of Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy Process
Myths of Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy Terms

What Do I Need to Bring In?

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Be sure to get your FREE bankruptcy information by listening to Pete "The Hammer" on Z93.

Get your questions ready and be sure to call in. If you missed the last show, you can listen to it here.



Bankruptcy Dos

DO hire an attorney DO be honest with your attorney
DO disclose all your assets DO make payments on things you want to keep
DO keep all bills from creditor

DO be realistic about your financial situation

DO keep all payment records DO RELAX!


Bankruptcy Don'ts

DON'T lie to your attorney DON'T hide assets
DON'T pay back family members DON'T borrow money to pay bills
DON'T use your credit cards DON'T defraud the Bankruptcy Court
DON'T fail to list all creditors DON'T transfer assets out of your name
DON'T throw away paycheck information



Monday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
After Hours by Appointment

hammer creditors


Dealing with Creditor Harassment
Dispute Letters

Phone: 989.790.2102
Address: 4597 State St.
Saginaw, MI 48603
Email: Pete "The Hammer"


©2012 Peter Riebschleger  2011. All Rights Reserved